How do I navigate the appointment calendar in list view?

Tips on how to see and sort through your appointments list.

Finding List View

  1.  Click the List View Icon from the facility manager dashboard or facility profile.

  2. Search for the Guest by entering their email, or name, or phone number in the search box and your list will be filtered to that customer.

Note: You can click on the header and sort the column ascending and descending.  In addition, you can click on the pyramid bars and select what you wish to view. 

Sorting Appointment List


1. Hover over and click the title of the column you wish to sort.


2. The first time you click it, reordering will be with ascending value.

3. The second time it will be descending value.

 Selected Fields

1. Click the pyramid in title of the column you wish to sort. This will bring up the menu.

2. Select the fields you wish to sort and click OK.
3. Review Items.
 Note: It is important to unselect your categories before your next search or before switching facilities, as the app will remember your search selections.