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Everything you need to know about scheduling, payment, and getting the most out of Spa Space.
Waitlisted Appointments by Facility for the Following Week
How do I obtain my 1099 tax forms for 2023?
How do I update my License and Certification Information?
How do I connect and update information in Stripe?
How do I change my personal Stripe account to a business Stripe account
How do I edit a series on my schedule and avoid duplicates?
How much will I get paid with Spa Space?
How can Guests leave a review after a service?
Spa Space Issues and Solutions for Providers
How do I add or change the services I perform (including Prenatal Massages)?
How do I make changes to my facility selection?
How do I update the guests credit card information?
How Much Is My Bonus Pay?
What if there is no Room Charge, Gift Card, Facility Gift Card or Retail option during check-out?
What do I do if I have not received payment in Stripe?
How do I check out linked appointments?
Best Practices for Providers
How do I check in a guest?
How do I change my availability?
What is the cancellation policy for my subscription membership?
How do I update my browser so Spa Space has the best visibility?
How do I update my browser so Spa Space has the best visibility?
How do I view my Schedule and Upcoming Appointments?
How do I review my compensation report?
How do I navigate through the Provider Dashboard?
How do I start my profile?
How do I apply as a Wellness Provider?
How much is a membership?
Is there an application fee to join Spa Space?
How do I add or remove enhancements?
How do I redeem a Spa Space Gift Card?
How do I open or change my availability for one or multiple locations?
How do I change my password in
How do I check out a guest? (credit card, Groupon, gift cards, room charge)
Spa Space 2.0.1 Feature Requests for Providers
How do I Check-In and No-Show appointments?
Trouble signing in on Mobile as a Professional
New Pros
How do I set up or update my insurance?
Guest appointments
How can I help my guest manage their personal property?