How do I open or change my availability for one or multiple locations?

Edit or delete your availability from your time block on your availability schedule. If you are close to several locations, you can add multiple facilities, and open your schedule for each of the location.


  1. Begin by adding your desired Facilities in your Facility page under you Profile.  Click +ADD to attach another facility to your profile.
  2. Choose the location and select Save.

  3. Navigate to Availability on the Menu Bar. Your approved facilities will appear next to your calendar.

  4. Double click on the calendar, or drag and drop your facility card box to bring up the scheduling window. You can schedule yourself daily, weekly, or monthly. You can always edit your schedule in the future.

  5. Click Facility to bring up the dropdown menu and select the facility where you would like to schedule yourself.

  6. Choose the length of your shift.
    NOTE: For best practices, create a split schedule to accommodate breaks and lunches. You can do this by creating two shift times in the same column. 
    NOTE: Remember to leave enough room for travel time between locations.

  7. Select if you would like to have this repeat daily, weekly, or monthly. We recommend setting your schedule at least 6 months in advance in order to capture guest bookings. Click Done to save your schedule.


To edit your availability

  1.  Select the time block you would like to edit. To edit, hover the arrow cursor near or below the time block, or click on click anywhere on the bar. Click inside an already existing block of time to avoid creating a duplicate schedule.  

  2. Select if you would like to edit the time block you have selected, or the entire series.
    A series is when you set your schedule to recur either daily, weekly, or monthly. You can choose to edit or remove just one day in that series, or to edit the entire series.
  3. To change the times of the time block or series, edit to your preferred new times and select Done.