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  2. Facility Training Modules

How do I process a No-Show appointment?

From the appointment screen, click the Notify No-Show option. Confirm the No-Show, and the guest will be automatically charged for the appointment.

For Desktop:

  1. From the facilities page choose the Schedule ()

  2. Select the appointment you wish to mark as a No-Show and right click to select “Open” to view the appointment. You can also use the view appointment icon () in the summary window.

  3. Once you are in the appointment window, you will select the “Notify No-Show” button on the top right side of the screen.

  4. Note: The guest will be charged 100% of the service cost, but the service charges will not be applied.  It is best to reach out to the guest before hand to avoid charging the guest if they are running late. 

  5. The appointment will be marked as a no-show. However, the appointment can still be refunded if the guest arrives late. 

For iPad/Phone:

  1. From the facilities page choose the Schedule ().
  2. You will now see the scheduled appointments for the day. You will want to long-press (tap and hold) on the appointment you wish to mark as a No-Show and select “Open” to view the appointment. You may also select the view appointment icon () from the summary window. 

  3. Once you are in the appointment window, you will select the “Notify No-Show” button on the top right side of the screen.

  4. Note: The guest will be charged 100% of the service cost, but the service charges will not be applied. 

  5. The appointment will be marked as a no-show. However, the appointment can still be refunded if the guest arrives late.