How do I remove a providers availability within 24 hours for a call-out or if they are leaving early?

Same day provider availability must be approved by a facility manager and can only be edited when there are no open appointments on the schedule.

Note: It is Spa Space policy that providers do not remove their availability within 24 hours. 

If a provider has an open appointment on the schedule you will need to cancel or move to another provider before you can delete the availability block.

1. Begin at the providers availability screen. You will see that this provider has availability set for 8:00am - 7:00pm for today.

2. To remove the availability for today, you will need to change the Start Time of the time block to later than the current time to avoid an error message. For example this provider begins their day at 8:00am, it is currently 12:45pm, so we can adjust the start time to 1:00pm.

Note: Any appointments that are booked during this time will need to be completed prior to the system allowing you to remove availability.

The simplest way to move the schedule is to use the drag option on the time block, but you may also edit by double clicking the time block. 

3. You will now see that the providers same day availability has been adjusted to begin at 1:00pm (below the red "current time" line). 

4. You may now walk through deleting this availability block as usual.