1. Knowledge Base
  2. Facility Training Modules

How do I cancel an appointment?

From the Schedule View, right click the appointment and open the Detail View to cancel.

On Desktop:

1. From the Calendar View, right click on the appointment.

2. A dropdown menu will appear. Choose to Open the appointment.

3. Select Cancel Appointment and indicate the reason for cancellation and at what charge. Also please note the reason in Internal Notes to Provider.  To reset this action choose Do Not Cancel.

4. The appointment will disappear from the Calendar View, but can still be searched for in the List View.


On iPad:

1. From the Calendar View, tap on the appointment you wish to cancel.

2. A pop-up will appear at the bottom of your screen providing you with appointment information. Tap on the eyeball icon all the way to the right of this window.

3. This will bring you to the appointment window, from here you will select Cancel Appointment.

4. You will then indicate the reason for the cancellation and at what charge. Please also note the reason under the Internal Notes to Provider section of the appointment. You may then select Cancel Appointment. If you change your mind and wish to reset this action, select Do Not Cancel.

5. The appointment will disappear from the Calendar View, but can still be searched for in the List View.