How do I connect and update information in Stripe?

Change bank account or credit card information in your Stripe account from your Transaction Report page.

Update Address or Email

Change Deposit Account 

Forgotten Card Information

For Desktop/iPad/Phone:

  1. Log into
  2. Choose Transaction Reports under More Options

  3. Select the Blue <connect with stripe> bar

  4. You will now see your Stripe Express dashboard. Select Account in the top right hand corner.

Stripe KB overview screen

5. Once your account page is open, you will select Spa Space App under Payout details.

Stripe KB payout details


6.  From here, you can select the pencil icon and edit your payout information

Stripe KB payout details card

7. If you choose to edit your Platform settings, simply click on the arrow, a popup will appear and from here you can update the information needed. When complete, select save.

How do I change account information in Stripe?



Stripe kb personal details


8. If you choose to edit your Linked external accounts, select the arrow, a popup will appear and from here you can update the information needed. When complete, select save. Should you need more information you can select the View docs link.

Stripe kb linked external accounts

Stripe kb linked accounts


Forgot your card information: 

  1. Select transaction reports in the top right 
    Screenshot at Nov 30 17-07-04
  2. Select "connect with stripe"

Screenshot at Nov 30 17-20-41

    3. Enter the code sent to your recovery device

    Screenshot at Nov 30 17-22-46

    4.  Select your profile in the top right

    Screenshot at Nov 30 17-28-35

    5.  Select Payout details

    Screenshot at Nov 30 17-30-36

    6. Select the pencil to edit the information

    Screenshot at Nov 30 17-32-23

    7.  Select "You can verify your identity instead" 

    Screenshot at Nov 30 17-33-37

    8. You can then start verifying your identity, you can also select to do so on mobile

    Screenshot at Nov 30 17-34-46

    9. Select how you will take a phot of your ID

    Screenshot at Nov 30 17-36-05

    10.  If it is with your phone you can create a QR code for you to scan

    Screenshot at Nov 30 17-40-05

    11. From your phone you will follow the steps to upload an image of your ID



